Prices differ from individual to group courses, and according to duration of course. Please contact us to provide actual prices.
THAI YOGA MASSAGE COURSE (50hrs) You will learn massage in 4 position, acupressure along sen energy lines, energy work, and stretching techniques with a smooth flow rhythm, what result in a comprehensive full body treatment that relieves muscular tension, improves circulation, boosts the immune system and balances the body energetically. The certificate will be given from ‘Dharma’.
You will learn 3 position massage, both hand & feet techniques, which come in part from kalari tradition. This massage use ayurvedic oils and herbal powder to balance the body elements (dosha), and to improve the circulation and releases the toxins. Combination of yoga streches, which comes from BKS Iyengar medical classes, is used to help the articulation of joints, to release the tensions in the muscles and joints. This ayuryogic massage concentrates on to improvethe circulation, to allign the muscoloskeletal system and to increase the vital energy. It is recommended for those with straints and sorrow after yoga or physical practice. The cirificate will be given from ‘Dharma’.
CHAVUTTI THIRUMMAL COURSE – KERALITTE FEET MASSAGE (50hrs) This massage is masterpiece of Kerala bodywork tradition. It is excellent supplement of any physical training. Traditionally is the integrated part of kallaripayatt (Kerala martial art) and kathakali (traditional Kerala dance) training. During the course you will learn how to massage with the feet in 4-5 different positions, and how to use rope for balancing during work. The strong healing ayurvedic oils are used in big quantity on naked body with long and strong strokes. Stretches are also used to release tensions and open “gates” for free prana flow. It goes deep into 7 tissues of the body. It is recommended for those in sorrows, exhaustion, and body aches. It helps to strengthen and rejunavate the body faster. It is the most preffered massage style for astanga, martial art and dance practitioners. There is a myth that Kalari Uzhichil/Chavutti Thirumal comes from a very old heritage and that it is based on the dance of Shiva, the lord of destruction and creation. The certificate will be given from ‘Dharma’.
SHIROABHYANGA & MUKHABHYANGA - AYURVEDIC HEAD AND MARMA FACIAL MASSAGE COURSE. 10 hrs of practice and theory. Massage of most stressfull and sensetive area. Oil and accupresure techniques in sitting and prone position. Treatments duration about 30-45 minutes. The certificate will be given from 'Dharma'.
MUKHA MARMA ABHYANGA - marma pranic acupressure techniques and ayurvedic facial massage for 60 minutes treatment. The certificate will be given from 'Dharma'.
ADVANCED TECHNIQUES OF THAI, AYURYOGA, KALARI TECHNIQUES in individual and group trainings. 30 hr.
AYURVEDIC CLASSICAL TREATMENTS PACKAGES - Abhyanga, Udvartana, Basthi, Netra Terpana, Karna Purana, Shirodhara, Bashpa Swedana... 50hrs
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