You very welcome for our dharma website, project of healing arts of yoga, ayurveda and natural therapies. Since 2007 we providing alternative health service as well as school of massage and ayurveda. We based in Kołobrzeg in Poland. Kolobrzeg is on Baltic coast, just 3 hrs driving from Berlin.
Dharma is the project for the healthy and consious living. The consiousness and health is the key to hapiness. We invite you for ancient practices of East to gain this aim. All techniques and practices, we propose, are related to overcultural concept of dharma - natural law, which rules universe. By employing this law we gain constant developement on the path to health and hapiness.
Proposed practices and treatments are complementary to each other and their goal is to help our own path to health, in most efficient way.Through years we gain experience and knowledge in hatha and ashtanga vinyasa yoga, ayurveda, thai yoga massage, kalari and ayurvedic massages, manual therapies like visceral and chiropractice, classical acupuncture of daoist transmitions of Jeffrey Yuen and energy healing as well. For people who would like to help others through bodyworks we offer diffrent workshops and courses in ayurveda, thai and kalari massages, ayurveda therapist and consultant courses.
Prices of treatments and massages
120 min | 400 zł |
90 min | 350 zł |
60 min | 250 zł |
45 min | 200 zł |
>30 min |
150 zł |
All inquiries please send to dharma.org.pl@gmail.com;
tel/whatsapp +48607956389
adress: Jagiellonska 5,1, 78-100 Kołobrzeg, Poland.
Kryzys w praktyce jogi
Niezależnie od metody kryzys pojawia się u wszystkich praktykujących jogę. Szczególnie wtedy kiedy intensywnie pracujemy nad dyscypliną i regularnością codziennej praktyki. Jak się objawia? Na różne sposoby - od czysto fizycznego, gdy ciało staje się ciężkie i obolałe, a my pozbawieni chęci do jakiegokol ...